Have you ever wondered why some salts dissolve in water to release heat while others absorb energy?
If so, you should take a look at AUS-e-TUTE's new resources on the Molar Enthalpy of Solution (or Molar Heat of Solution).
AUS-e-TUTE members should log-in to view the new tutorial, game, test, exam and homework checker under the heading Thermochemistry, and the topic heading Heat (enthalpy) of Solution.
Not an AUS-e-TUTE Member?
Currently there is a "free-to-view" tutorial available for evaluation purposes at http://www.ausetute.com.au/heatsolution.html
Find out about the benefits of AUS-e-TUTE membership at
then, when you are ready to start improving your chemistry results, you can join AUS-e-TUTE at