Sunday, February 10, 2019

What is chemistry?

Lots of students study "chemistry" at school, often because High School Chemistry is a prerequisite for some tertiary course they'd like to undertake in the future. But how many of these students start their chemistry course with a good understanding of just what chemistry is?
It's time to come to terms with the unique adventure that is chemistry ....

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Orbital Diagrams

There are lots of ways to represent the electron configuration of an atom.
An orbital diagram provides a lot of information very quickly about how the electrons in an atom are arranged. AUS-e-TUTE has a new set of resources to help you draw and interpret orbital diagrams:

AUS-e-TUTE Members should log-in to play the orbital diagrams game, and answer the orbital diagrams test and exam questions (with worked solutions for the questions you answer incorrectly).